Xbox and Cloud Sales Colour Microsoft’s Quarter

Xbox and Cloud Sales Colour Microsoft’s Quarter

Microsoft saw its revenue increase by 17 percent in the past three months and profit by 29 percent. All departments posted positive numbers, but the new Xbox, cloud offering and LinkedIn are doing remarkably well.


Microsoft posted $ 43.1 billion sales for its most recent quarterly results (Q2 of its fiscal year 2021, which ran to December 31).

That is 17 percent more than in the same quarter a year ago. The operating profit comes to 17.9 billion (+29 percent) and the net profit to 15.2 billion dollars (+33 percent).

Personal computing is the company’s largest division with revenue of $ 15.1 billion, a growth of 14 percent. That’s thanks in large part to the new Xbox Series X and Series X that launched in November. As a result, Microsoft’s gaming division grows by forty percent.

Further in the PC division, commercial products and cloud services accounted for 10 percent growth. Windows OEM (licenses for computer manufacturers) grew by 1 percent. The Surface devices grow by 3 percent and search ads by 2 percent.

The Intelligent cloud department has a turnover of 14.6 billion dollars, which is 23 percent growth. Here Microsoft is mainly enjoying growth in its server products and cloud services, which achieved 26 percent more turnover.

Azure as a whole (spread over different departments) is even growing by 50 percent.

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