What is Skin Rejuvenation? How Does It Work?

What is Skin Rejuvenation? How Does It Work?

The Fraxel repair laser treatment is a revolutionary new method to treat severely aged skin without the risks of the already existing ablative lasers.

Fraxel repair combines a powerful CO2 laser with fractional technology to vaporize unwanted tissue. This results in a short recovery period, few discomforts and a very remarkable rejuvenation and lift of the skin. An efficient and safe way to look years younger with just one treatment!


How does it work?

Thousands of microscopic laser tubes penetrate deep into the skin and remove damaged skin cells. This stimulates the natural recovery processes of the body. The production of new cells results in fresh, radiant skin. This technique, in contrast to the Fraxel restore, makes small holes in the skin. The healing of these fine wounds leads to a striking lift of the skin with a tighter jaw edge and lifted eyelids as a result.



  • fine and deep wrinkles
  • irregular skin texture
  • skin relaxation at the level of jaw and jaw edge
  • eyelid flapping
  • sun-aged skin with pigmentation spots and rosacea
  • very outdated cleavage and hands


Usually, the entire face including neck is treated. The eyes, the mouth zone or the upper lip, can also be treated separately if this proves appropriate.


 Gradation treatment

The skin is anaesthetized with an anaesthetic gel beforehand. Just before the treatment starts, you will also receive a relaxing injection and a mild analgesic tablet. Local anaesthesia is placed at deep wrinkles around the mouth. For treatment of face and neck, 2 hours’ time is provided. The effective laser treatment of a goose face with neck takes about one hour. You can go home directly after the treatment.



Depending on the intensity of the treatment, both point-shaped blood strikes are visible immediately after the laser and slight loss of clear wound fluid. This disappears after 48 hours when the skin is healed. Thanks to the fractional technique, there is a very rapid wound healing. Then the skin peels off, which can be accompanied by itching and a new skin becomes visible.

Swelling that progressively disappears over the course of a week and redness that gradually goes over a period of four weeks is to be expected. In case of very sensitive skin or very intensive treatment, light redness may last a few weeks longer. The social disability varies from 1 to 2 weeks. It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight for up to three months after treatment and always to use a high protection factor when leaving home.


Number of treatments required       

Usually, one treatment is sufficient for a nice and satisfying result. In case of very sun-damaged skin or very deep wrinkles, the procedure can, if desired, be repeated after six months.


Side effects

Thanks to the fractional technique, the chance of side effects such as delayed wound healing, infections, scars and brown discolourations is greatly reduced compared to previous CO2 laser treatments. All measures are taken to guarantee a correct treatment. Good home care is carefully explained to you.



  • soft, smooth skin with a bright texture improvement
  • equalization of skin tone
  • disappearance or reduction of pigmentation spots
  • disappear from fine wrinkles and soften deep wrinkles
  • reduce rosacea
  • flattening out scars
  • skin lift at the level of jaw and jaw edge
  • remarkable lift around the eyes
  • a very natural look, no artificial result


14 days after the treatment, the skin is softer, firmer and smoother than before due to the superficial renewal of the skin.

The cell stimulation in depth then ensures a gradual but refreshing rejuvenation and lift of the skin in the course of the following months. The final result is therefore only visible 3 to 6 months after the treatment.

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