Straight Pride Parade Must Drop Brad Pitt as A Mascot after A Complaint

The group of right-wing, heterosexual men in Boston who is going to organize a “Straight Pride” have removed the name Brad Pitt from their website. The Celebrity Inside reports that Brad Pitt is Not Down for Straight Pride Parade Issues.

The Hollywood star had indicated this week that he did not want his name to be used for their propaganda.

The organization Super Happy Fun America, which claims to act on behalf of “the heterosexuals,” has proclaimed Pitt on their website as the mascot of their initiative.


The small company received worldwide attention in recent days with their license application for a “Straight Pride” parade.

They believe that heterosexual men are discriminated against because they, unlike the LGBTQ community, are not allowed to raise the flag at Boston’s town hall.


“We will continue to fight for equality until the mayor also embraces our community and has a more progressive vision for the future,” the men say on their website.

Many LGBTQ reacts furiously to social media on the initiative. “If heterosexuals are brutally beaten up by people, their fundamental human rights are denied.

Their healthcare is denied, they are murdered or evicted from their homes, simply because they are straight, they can hold a parade for my part. Otherwise, they’d better stay silent and sit in their seats”, is a much-shared message on Twitter.

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