Zelensky Thinks Russia Should Have Been Punished for MH17

Zelensky Thinks Russia Should Have Been Punished for MH17

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky told the Australian parliament that Russia should have been punished for the shooting down of flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014.


“If Russia had been punished for that, this war would never have happened. But, unfortunately, the unpunished evil is coming back,” he said, according to Australian media.

The president will also speak in Belgium and the Netherlands on Thursday. It is suspected that he will also speak about MH17 in the Netherlands.

Zelensky also asked Australia for stricter sanctions against Russia and more military support. Australia on Thursday raised import tariffs for products from Russia and Belarus by 35 percent.

If Russia is not stopped again, it will set a bad example, according to Zelensky. He said other countries might then do the same without clarifying which countries he was referring to.

“The fate of world security is now being determined. No one can win or save the world if nuclear weapons are used,” said the head of state.

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