Twitter Accidentally tells Users when someone is Unfolding Them. Twitter has been sending some users messages that they have a new follower for days, while the opposite is exact.
On Twitter, success is measured in hard figures: the number of likes, the number of retweet and the number of followers.
Twitter even sends users a special message if someone they already followed also starts following them.
But the latter is now going wrong for some users.
Users now get the message that someone has followed them back, while the person has just followed them.
Usually, users can follow each other without the other being notified.
On Twitter, users have been complaining about the reports for about ten days.
When asked, Twitter tells that the problems are the result of a bug that is currently being investigated.
Users who want to follow someone on Twitter may find it better to use the ignore feature for the time being.
Then tweets from the relevant user disappear from the Twitter timeline, but there is no report to the ignored user.