“Intel Wants to Divest modem Branch after abandoning 5G Plans.” Intel would like to sell its modem branch, now that the company has abandoned its plans to make 5G modems for smartphones, according to the reports based on insiders.
Intel would have hired investment bank Goldman Sachs to direct the sale.
The process was only starting, but Intel would have obtained some interested parties.
Apple is said to have had discussions with Intel last year about taking over the division that makes 5G modems.
Intel recently declared that it would stop developing 5G modems.
The decision was announced almost immediately after Apple and chipmaker arranged Qualcomm in a long-running lawsuit.
That lawsuit stood in the way of a collaboration between Apple and Qualcomm in the field of 5G modems.
Acquisition would limit Apple’s dependence
However, Qualcomm is known as the most famous maker of 5G modems.
Apple sought refuge with Intel during the protracted lawsuit,
but it would have cost the company a great deal of effort to develop a 5G modem for the 2020 iPhones.
Apple would at least provisionally use 5G modems from Qualcomm.
Apple may want to limit its dependence on the company by taking over the modem branch of Intel and developing its modems.
Samsung and chip makers Broadcom, ON Semiconductor and Unisoc Communications are also interested in the fashion industry.