The family of the late George Floyd is considering taking legal action against Kanye West. The American rapper and ex-presidential candidate made some statements in a podcast about Floyd being shot the wrong way.
Kanye West, who nowadays goes through life as Ye, was a guest on the Drink Champs podcast on Saturday. The topic of the conversation was Candace Owens’ controversial documentary entitled The greatest lie ever sold: George Floyd and the rise of Black Lives Matter.
It doubts the story as it has been doing since the 46-year-old man died in May 2020. Multiple video footage then showed police officer Derek Chauvin sitting with his knee on Floyd’s neck for nine minutes as he lay on the floor, causing the man to choke.
According to the autopsy, the man died due to that police intervention, but the documentary maker and Kanye West do not believe that. “That man’s knee wasn’t even on his neck,” West claims in the podcast. According to him, an overdose of drugs – fentanyl – has killed Floyd. However, several doctors have contradicted that: there was fentanyl in his blood, but not nearly enough to be fatal.
Civil rights attorney Lee Merritt tweeted on behalf of Floyd’s family that they are considering a lawsuit over West’s “false statements about how Floyd died.” “Claiming that Floyd died of fentanyl and not of the cruelty that has been criminally and civilly established undermines and diminishes the Floyd family’s struggle.”
Many fellow musicians and activists have condemned West’s comments. It is not the first time that the American rapper has been discredited with controversial opinions and statements about a recent past presidential candidate.