Forty-Five Countries Give Russia Ten Days to Answer Questions about Navalny

Forty-Five Countries Give Russia Ten Days to Answer Questions about Navalny

45 states, including Germany, want Russia to answer the poison attack on the opposition politician Alexej Navalny. The country should show “in detail” how chemical weapons could be used on its territory.


Germany and 44 other states have given Russia ten days to answer questions from the international community about the poison attack on opposition politician Alexei Navalny last year.

The 45 countries had informed the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that they would ask Russia official questions about the poisoning of Navalny, wrote the British OPCW delegation on Twitter on Tuesday. “Russia has ten days to answer.”

The British delegation wrote that it was “crucial that Russia provides in detail what steps are being taken to investigate the use of a chemical weapon on its territory”. The delegations of Germany and Canada confirmed in their own tweets that they had signed the joint declaration.

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