Dutch Universities Still In The Sights Of Iranian Hackers

Dutch Universities Still In The Sights Of Iranian Hackers

Dutch Universities still in the Sights of Iranian Hackers. Hackers from the Iranian government are still targeting one or more Dutch universities. Universities in other countries are also focused.


In total, the Iranian hackers would have targeted at 76 universities from fourteen countries,

 write researchers from the internet security company SecureWorks.

In March, the US Department of Justice declared that nine Iranian hackers are being prosecuted,

 for digital spying at universities worldwide, including the Netherlands.

According to SecureWorks, it is likely that the same group is still active despite the accusation.

The hacker group attempts to recover login details for online university libraries with counterfeit websites.

Researchers from the internet security company found a total of three hundred fake sites and login pages.

According to the company, the most significant part was made between May and August of this year.

The hackers focus on universities because they can steal scientific documents and other worthy intellectual property.

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