China Complains About US Deputy Minister’s Visit to Taiwan

China Complains About US Deputy Minister’s Visit to Taiwan

China’s foreign minister formally filed a complaint with the United States on Thursday over the visit of a top American official in Taiwan. The visit is sensitive to China, which sees Taiwan as an apostate province.


The United States is sending a top official to Taiwan for the second time in a short time. It is Secretary of State Keith Krach, the most senior US State Department official to visit the island in four decades.

China does not recognize Taiwan as an independent state and is, therefore not happy with the visit. A spokesman for China’s foreign ministry said they would respond with “necessary measures” to the visit.

“We urge the US to recognize the extreme sensitivity of the Taiwan issue. China will take appropriate action depending on how the situation develops.” It is not known what these measures entail.

Krach’s visit further accentuates the relationship between China and the US.

The relationship between the two superpowers has recently come under pressure due to a series of trade, military and security issues, as well as the coronavirus.

The US Secretary of State will arrive in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, on Thursday afternoon. His visit takes three days. In addition to attending a memorial service for former president Lee Teng-hui, he will also discuss how economic cooperation can be strengthened.

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