Broadway Will Remain Closed Until Next June

Broadway Will Remain Closed Until Next June

Broadway, usually the beating heart of New York’s theatre world, will remain closed until June 2021.


Local media reports that this announcement will be made Friday by the Broadway League, a theatres cooperative body.

In principle, no theatre performances or musicals will be shown in the city until May 30. All stages had to close their doors in mid-March due to the corona epidemic.

The damage to the culture sector is estimated to be in the billions of dollars. The theatres in New York attracted 15 million visitors last year.

At the time of closing, more than thirty shows were playing on Broadway, most of them with great success. Eight presentations were still in the tryout phase. So these have never officially premiered.

In addition, rehearsals took place for eight new performances that were to premiere in the middle of this year. It is unclear how many of these performances will still be shown next year.

The Tony Awards, America’s most essential theatre prizes, will soon be presented during a digital ceremony.

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