Question Time Trump and Biden Simultaneously on TV

Question Time Trump and Biden Simultaneously on TV

US President Donald Trump and his rival Joe Biden simultaneously answer questions from voters at 8 p.m. (local time) on Thursday evening.


Biden had already announced that he would do so in Philadelphia, with a broadcast on ABC broadcaster. Broadcaster NBC announced on Wednesday that it would take care of Trump’s question time in Miami (Florida).

The two rivals were actually going to debate each other, but that was dropped after the organization announced it would take place online. Trump refused to participate.

A “physical” debate between the two is still planned for next week. The first debate turned into a mud battle at the end of September.

Trump has now undergone a new corona test, from which immunologist Anthony Fauci has concluded that Trump is “with a high degree of certainty” no longer contagious.

Trump’s doctor Sean Conley had said that earlier based on a less reliable test.

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