Prime Minister Johnson Concerned About the UNITED Kingdom

Prime Minister Johnson Concerned About the UNITED Kingdom

British Prime Minister Johnson has expressed concerns about the unity of the United Kingdom. All countries that are part of that kingdom would be weaker if the union were to be denounced.


“It would be such a shame to lose the power and magic of that union,” said Johnson.

In Scotland, calls for a new referendum for independence are getting louder, especially as a majority of Scots are vehemently opposed to leaving the European Union.

In 2014, 55 percent of Scottish voters voted against independence. But in 2016, 62 percent of the Scottish electorate rejected the proposed Brexit.

The victory of the Brexit camp was due to English voters. The Brexit, which Johnson also continued, has changed many Scots about the usefulness of the union.

Anglo-Scottish cooperation is very old and was established by treaty in 1707. Ireland joined in 1800, but mostly left in 1922.

In the northern part (Northern Ireland) that has remained with the United Kingdom, a referendum is now also being called. The proponents think that as a result of Brexit, a small majority will vote in favour of joining the Republic of Ireland.

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