US Postal Service: 1,700 Postal Ballots Found in Pennsylvania

US Postal Service: 1,700 Postal Ballots Found in Pennsylvania

The US state postal service, the US Postal Service (USPS), says it has recovered approximately 1,700 letter ballots left behind in sorting centres in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania.


The ballots were found during two checks and have already been delivered to the election offices where the votes are counted.

Court documents filed by USPS state that approximately 1,070 notes were found at a sorting centre in the Democratic stronghold of Philadelphia. Another 300 notes were found in the city of Pittsburgh and another 266 in Leigh Valley.

Ballots must be delivered to polling stations in the state of Pennsylvania by Friday evening to be counted. The US presidential elections are still an unprecedented neck-and-neck race, in which the state of Pennsylvania may be decisive.

If Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden wins the state, he’ll have enough electors to beat Donald Trump. The president is currently in the lead in Pennsylvania but saw his lead in that state disappear in recent hours.

In Pennsylvania, Trump still has a lead of 22,576 votes. He currently has 49.5 percent of the vote in Keystone State and his Democratic challenger 49.2 percent.

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