After a long election night and night, it is not yet known who won the American presidential election. In four swing states – Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada – vote-counting is far from complete.
In several states, the counting of votes has been temporarily stopped and counting continues on Wednesday morning (local time). In Pennsylvania, which has 20 electors, Democratic Governor Wolf says that at least 1 million post votes must be counted.
The incumbent President Donald Trump is now in the lead, but the postal votes are counted last. People who had already sent their ballots by mail in advance are predominantly from the Democratic camp.
Republican Trump was assigned the swing states of Ohio, Texas and Florida by American media. He also won those states in 2016, but the Democrats hoped to capture the states from the president.
The Democrat Biden wins, among other places, in California, the state where more than 10 percent of the electors can be distributed. Washington, Oregon and, according to Fox News Arizona, also go to Biden. Four years ago, Arizona went to Trump.
Although millions of votes have yet to be counted, Trump already claimed victory on Wednesday morning. He also claimed without any evidence that fraud has taken place.
Biden said he is confident that he will win the election, but called on his supporters to be patient. The Democrat thanked his supporters for their patience. “We knew that because of the unprecedented number of early voters, this would take a while. We’ll have to be patient. It’s not over until every vote is counted.”
“It’s not up to Trump or me to decide the outcome, it’s up to the American people,” said Biden.