Ryanair Departs From Too Expensive Frankfurt Airport

Ryanair Departs From Too Expensive Frankfurt Airport

Ryanair gives up its base at Frankfurt Airport. The Irish airline, the largest price breaker in Europe, announced this on Friday.


The reason for Ryanair’s departure is the rates that Frankfurt Airport, the largest airport in Germany, charges per take-off and landing. According to the low-cost company, these are much too high. “Instead of stimulating the recovery of air traffic, Frankfurt has decided to push prices even further, making Frankfurt uncompetitive compared to other European airports,” it reads.

Ryanair’s five planes based at Frankfurt Airport will be distributed to other airports by March 31. It is not yet clear which one this is exactly, but it certainly concerns airports “that have responded with lower rates to promote the recovery of air traffic”, it says.

Ryanair staff based in Frankfurt will have the opportunity to work elsewhere within the airline’s European network. Passengers whose flights are cancelled due to Ryanair’s departure from Frankfurt will be notified in the coming days and will receive a refund.

Ryanair also flies to Frankfurt Hahn in the region, about 100 kilometres west of Frankfurt. That smaller airport filed for bankruptcy in October.

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