Killing Again in Myanmar Protest, Thailand Prepares for the Arrival of Refugees

Killing Again in Myanmar Protest, Thailand Prepares for the Arrival of Refugees

In new protests in Myanmar, the army has once again opened fire on the protesters. At least eight people were killed.


More and more residents of Yangon, the country’s largest city, are fleeing the violence. Many leave for the countryside, but neighbouring Thailand also says it is already preparing for refugees’ arrival from Myanmar.

The army opened fire on protesters in Aungban, a centrally located city in Myanmar. At least eight people died.

That brings the number of civilians killed since the military coup on February 1 to 220. A number could rise sharply, as hundreds of people have also been arrested in recent weeks and have since been reported missing.

The military’s violent action to nip in the bud peaceful protests against the coup also drives more and more people to flee. According to various news agencies, in Yangon (the former Rangoon), with about 5 million inhabitants, the largest city in Myanmar, a departure is underway. Today there were traffic jams of people wanting to get out of the city on their way to the countryside, hoping to feel safer.

The military has declared martial law in six boroughs of Yangon, which means that normal conditions and laws no longer apply. Almost 2 of the 5 million inhabitants are under the direct control of the military commanders.

“I no longer feel safe”, a woman fleeing the city testifies to the French news agency AFP. “In my ward, the army has taken people off the streets and tortured them.”

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