Greece Only Wants Vaccinated Customers in Catering Businesses

Greece Only Wants Vaccinated Customers in Catering Businesses

In Greece, only people who have been fully vaccinated will soon be allowed in catering establishments. There will also be a mandatory vaccination for certain professions, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced.


Greek media reports that restaurants, cafes, theatres, stadiums and companies in the entertainment sector will soon be allowed to only let in vaccinated people. Customers must show with an app that they have been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Many companies were not allowed to use their indoor spaces in recent months to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. That will change at the end of this week, but unvaccinated customers must then be banned.

Mitsotakis also announced that all employees of nursing homes for the elderly must be vaccinated. Anyone who refuses will be suspended in mid-August. Hospital staff, such as doctors and nurses, have until 1 September to be vaccinated.

The prime minister made it clear that he wants to prevent a new lockdown with such measures. “The country is not going to lockdown because of the attitude of some people,” he said. “Greece is not in danger. Only unvaccinated Greeks.”

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