Democratic Party Launches Lawsuit against Trump Campaign

Democratic Party Launches Lawsuit against Trump Campaign

The US Democratic Party has filed a lawsuit against Russia, President Donald Trump’s election campaign and whistleblower website WikiLeaks, because they would have worked together to harm the Democrats in the 2016 elections, published by Fortune News.


The complaint was filed with a federal court in Manhattan, New York and is directed against former campaign leader Paul Manafort, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

They are accused by the Democrats of large-scale extortion, hacking and fraudulent conspiracy to harm Democrats through the publication of internal e-mails by WikiLeaks.

The document explains how, according to the Democrats, the Trumps, through their family business, came on a good paper with Russia, and that Russia worked together with Trump advisors in the run-up to the elections to protect the loot of the cyber attack on the To bring out DNC.

According to the party, this hacking has damaged its relationship with voters, decreased donations, disrupted the political convention, and exposed employees to intimidation.

Trump has always denied that there has been collusion with Russia and the allegations call a witch hunt. The American intelligence services have again concluded that Moscow has indeed tried to influence the elections in favor of Trump. Several studies are still running.

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