KLM and Transavia will exchange personal data of passengers who misbehaved on flights operated by one of the two airlines. If these passengers are on the so-called No Fly list, they will receive a five-year travel ban at both KLM and Transavia.
The two airlines have recently investigated how to share data from passengers on blacklists properly. Despite “complex and sometimes unclear regulations”, they have now found a way in which the data can still be exchanged. Privacy rules are guaranteed in that procedure, according to the companies.
According to KLM and Transavia, unacceptable behaviour on board is a growing problem. KLM sees an average of five reports per month; with Transavia, that number is once a month. The number of reports increased, especially during the corona crisis. And although the number fell for a while after that, the companies have noticed that aggression has been increasing again recently.
That is why KLM and Transavia are also arguing for creating more legal options for exchanging data on misbehaving people. Initially within the Dutch national borders, but in the long term, this policy should also be rolled out internationally.