Most US Covid Deaths Could Have Been Avoided if Trump Had Acted Faster

Most US Covid Deaths Could Have Been Avoided if Trump Had Acted Faster

The vast majority of the nearly 550,000 deaths from the coronavirus in the US could have been avoided if former President Donald Trump had acted faster and more decisively.


So says one of the experts who advised the Trump administration on the corona crisis.

Deborah Birx was the White House corona task force coordinator and is one of the medical experts. They criticized the Trump administration’s corona policy in a CNN documentary aired last night.

“The first time we had an excuse,” says Birx in the documentary. About 100,000 deaths occurred in the first wave. The rest of the deaths, I think, could have been avoided or substantially reduced.”

A study conducted last year by Columbia University confirms that: According to the study, 84 percent of deaths could have been avoided.

Birx often praised Trump at the time but claimed in January that she was “censored” by the White House.

Former President Trump has garnered a lot of criticism for minimizing the severity of the corona crisis for a long time. Last fall, he got infected himself.

The US has registered more than 30 million coronavirus infections to date. Infections are on the rise again, with nearly 62,000 cases per day. Nearly 550,000 Americans died from the virus. More than 50 million Americans have now been fully vaccinated.

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