United Kingdom: Brexit Talks in Very Difficult Phase

United Kingdom: Brexit Talks in Very Difficult Phase

Negotiations between the European Union and the United Kingdom on a future trade agreement have entered a “challenging phase”.


That said a spokesman for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday. He emphasized that there is little time left to negotiate a deal on mutual relations after January 1, if the British also leaves the internal European market in practice.

According to British media, the atmosphere around the negotiations deteriorated late in the evening on Thursday. The British side accused the European Union of coming up with new demands at the last minute, something that is denied on the Brussels side.

After the turn of the year, the transition phase after Brexit will begin, in which the British remained mostly bound by European agreements on trade, among other things.

If no agreement is reached, reciprocal trade will revert to the same basic rules of the World Trade Organization. As a result, high import tariffs will apply to many products.

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