Nearly 1,800 Deaths in One Day in the US, but Fewer People in Hospitals

Nearly 1,800 Deaths in One Day in the US, but Fewer People in Hospitals

In the United States, 1,783 people have been killed by the coronavirus in the past 24 hours. This is evident from figures from Johns Hopkins University.


According to expert and advisor Anthony Fauci, the number of people in American hospitals has decreased sharply.

In the US, 16,478 people have already been killed by the coronavirus. For example, the US is the second-worst affected country by the pandemic, after Italy.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the US had nearly 2,000 deaths in 24 hours. In total, more than 460,000 confirmed corona infections have already been registered in the US. For example, the US accounts for a quarter of all confirmed deliveries worldwide.

Expert and advisor to the corona task force Anthony Fauci said on Thursday during the daily coronavirus press briefing that the number of people hospitalized by the virus has “declined” dramatically. “It’s been a bad week in terms of death.

In fact, we seem to be heading for a record number of deaths every day, “he said. “At the same time, however, we also see a dramatic decrease in the number of hospitalizations. What we are doing works. “

The situation also seems to have stabilized somewhat in New York, the most severely affected US state. In the past 24 hours, a record number of people were killed (+799), but the number of new hospitalizations has never been lower, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo. More than 7,000 people have already died in New York.

President Donald Trump said during the press briefing that he is convinced that the pandemic has reached its peak.

He also stated that the US has already conducted over 2 million corona tests, “an important milestone.” “We have the best testing system in the world,” he said. Governors of several states, however, believe that even more should be tested.

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