The number of New Infections in Germany is Increasing Again

The number of New Infections in Germany is Increasing Again

The number of corona infections diagnosed in Germany in the last 24 hours has increased again after a three-day decline.


The Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the German equivalent of the RIVM, reports that another 19,528 cases were registered in the past 24 hours.

After a provisional peak of almost 34,000 new infections on Friday, the numbers gradually decreased to 31,300, 22,771 and 16,643. Decreases during and after the weekend and increases as the week progress are more or less a consistent pattern in Germany.

A corona infection has now been diagnosed in a total of 1,530,180 people.

In the Federal Republic, a further 731 corona deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours. This brings the total official death toll from the corona epidemic in Germany to 27,006.

Like the Netherlands, Germany has had a hard lockdown since last week. Many companies and schools, among others, must remain closed until January.

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