Eurozone Exports Up Almost A Third in May

Eurozone Exports Up Almost A Third in May

Exports of goods from the eurozone to the rest of the world rose by almost a third in May compared to a year ago, when global trade was hit hard by the corona crisis.


According to the European statistical office Eurostat, exports to countries outside the currency union increased by almost 32 percent that month to 188.2 billion euros.

Imports from the euro area also showed a strong recovery from the blows a year ago, with a plus of more than 35 percent to 180.7 billion euros. Over the first six months of this year, exports from the nineteen euro countries to the rest of the world increased by more than 13 percent and imports increased by almost 13 percent.

Trade between the euro countries rose on an annual basis in May by more than 45 percent to 181.5 billion euros. A large part of the eurozone’s exports goes to other countries in the European Union.

According to Eurostat, exports to major markets such as China and the United States also clearly increased due to the economic recovery from the corona crisis.

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